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Basset Hound Check-Up


ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing

  • Provide safe and effective animal care             

  • Comply with infection control                          

  • Maintain equipment

  • Assist with surgical and anaesthetic procedures         

  • Perform reception duties

  • Patient admissions and discharges

  • Learn how to advise clients about nutrition, animal care,
    grooming and parasite control products

This course delivers the knowledge and skills to become a qualified veterinary nurse in private practice and in the animal care industry. 


  • Study on your couch, in the park, on your break at work. Even though you are studying via distance education you will not be alone

  • Heaps of support from your course trainers and mentor (phone, email, Zoom)

  • 24-hour access to course materials

  • Nationally recognised under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)

  • Easy to follow, comprehensive course materials



  • Distance, study at your own pace. Theory and practical assessments.

  • Theory assessment task activities shall be able to be undertaken outside the

  • Practical assessment tasks shall be undertaken on the job at an animal shelter, boarding facility, or any other approved animal care facility.

  • The distance course delivery also allows students to continue to complete the course in the event of further COVID19 restrictions.

How do I Start?

Simply email Isabel’s Paws Academy  Info@PawsAcademy.Com.Au



You must:

  • be at least 18 years of age AND

  • have completed the Certificate II in Animal Studies OR

  • the Certificate III in Animal Studies OR

another equivalent animal science discipline qualification or higher.OR

  • be at least 18 years of age, AND

have completed Year 12 OR

a Certificate IV or higher in any discipline

  • Have a computer and reliable internet access

  • Have an email address



$6999 upfront


Payment Plans: From $75 per week. Visit our website for the weekly and monthly payment options



Core Units:

ACMGEN314        Identify animal anatomy and physiology for animal care work

ACMGEN315        Communicate effectively with clients and team members

ACMVET401         Coordinate Veterinary Reception Duties

ACMVET402         Apply imaging routines

ACMVET403         Perform clinical pathology procedures

ACMVET202         Carry out daily practice routines

ACMVET404         Perform practice office procedures

ACMVET405         Coordinate and perform surgical nursing routines

ACMVET406         Nurse animals

ACMVET407         Carry Out Medical Nursing Routines

ACMVET408         Provide nutritional advice and support for animals

ACMVET409         Provide specific animal care advice

ACMVET410         Carry out veterinary dental nursing procedures

ACMVET413         Prepare for anesthesia and monitor animal anesthesia and analgesia

ACMVET416         Assist with the preparation of veterinary drugs and poisons

ACMINF301          Comply with Infection Control Policies and Procedures in Animal Care Work

ACMWHS301       Contribute to Workplace Health and Safety Processes


Elective Units:

ACMSUS401         Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices

SIRXHWB002        Promote Workplace Health and Wellbeing

ACMSPE316         Provide general care of domestic dogs

ACMSPE317         Provide general care of domestic cats



You must be willing to complete workplace placements at suitable animal care facility to ensure you develop the necessary practical skills required to successfully complete this course.  


Work placements can be undertaken

  • on a be volunteer (unpaid) or a paid employment basis

  • at a veterinary clinic or veterinary hospital


This qualification does NOT require you to organize or be
employed in a Veterinary Clinic before you commence
or enroll in this course.

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Working with animals has become an ever increasingly popular career choice. Australia's economy is moving from resources to services. For many, working with animals is a rewarding career change that allows them to fulfill a lifelong dream and passion.
  • Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership in the world, with over 60% of Australian households owing a pet.

  • Pet services are the fastest growing product segment in the industry - grooming salons and puppy schools.

  • In 2018 the industry included 11,826 people employed as veterinarians and 11,458 as veterinary nurses, as well as an additional 5,000 support staff. This sector of the industry has grown significantly since 2000, when there were just 13,175 people employed in the sector.

  • Veterinary Services tripled from approximately 12,500 in 2000 to 37,500 in 2020

Sources: Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers in Australia
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  • This course is a pathway to an exciting career in the rapidly growing animal care industry and veterinary nursing and other education opportunities. This course is accredited and has national recognition.

  • This Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing delivers the skills and knowledge to be a veterinary nurse or a vet clinic manager. Your Certificate IV Veterinary Nursing is a great pathway to the Diploma of Veterinary Nursing.

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A Pre-Enrolment Information Pack must be read and understood prior to completing, signing and  submitting your enrolment application.

Recognition of

Prior Learning


If you are already working in animal care sector and gained the knowledge and skills from their previous experiences.

Your will be formally recognizing this through a process known as RPL.

Student Support

Our accredited training provides you with 

  • Comprehensive course manuals

  • Online learning tools 

  • A personal student mentor

  • Telephone  Helpline

  • Email assistant

  • additional study resources

  • payment plans.


Commence ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing with us today to take the next step forward in your career.

Thanks for submitting!

🕗  Opening hours :

        Tuesday - Friday  (7:40 AM to 6 PM)

🏢  Isabel's Dog Grooming 

        Unit 1 of 32 - 36, Colbee Court, Phillip ACT 2606, Australia

📧  Info@IsabelsDogGrooming.Com.Au

🗨  0468 346 868 - For Text Messaging Only

©2010 by Isabels Dog Grooming

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